Friday, July 31, 2015

Chickpeas + Escarole

First off, forgive my absence.  I suppose I am not really cut out for this blogging thing but I am trying.  I really want to give you a true review of each recipe that I make.  So bear with me as I attempt to do this.

My latest dish (that I am eating as I write this) is Chickpeas and Escarole in White Wine Broth is amazing.  Who knew that this lettuce looking stuff could be so delicious.  It was nestled somewhere between the endive and dino kale.  I wasn't too sure if I was grabbing the right one.  But the recipe stated that it looked something like romaine so I know I was in the right area.

I love a dish that comes together so easily and can be made with one of my favorite pantry staples... chickpeas or garbanzo beans depending on how you are feeling on any given day.  Super simple ingredients that didn't require an extra grocery trip (and considering that my boys are still on summer break they had to make the trek with me) it was a nice perk.

I added some avocado but really wanted to throw this over some rice.  I am trying to cut back on carbs (you know like everyone is these days) and the substitute was AWESOME.

This dish came out of Isa Does It... which is quickly becoming one of my favorite cookbooks.  If you don't have it, get it and add it to your cookbook library.  I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I did.  This will make a nice quick dish on the days I need to cook but don't really want to!!